Thursday, March 30, 2006

Free Will Choice

I got a breaking news email from CNN which read -- Associated Press reports Abdul Rahman, the Afghan who faced execution for converting from Islam to Christianity, has been released. Which promped me to write this blog. This is an excellent example why radical Islam nations should never be allowed to develop nuclear weapons, (Iran, Sierra, Lebanon, Hamas Palestinians, etc). Their perverted views on God's will and their continuing goal to spread their hatred toward all non-muslems and their determination through terrorism to bring death and destruction to western civilization has to be stopped. I am so greatful that I serve (through my own free will) the one and ONLY true God, a God of love and not out of fear, who gave his only Son, Jesus to save us from our sins. Think about it? The Holy Bible tells us to Love our enemy and to pray for them. The Qur'an' says to cut off their heads. Which one sounds like the real deal? God is love. And they want to get upset and kill about cartoons? Give me a break, while Christ is spit on, mocked, made fun of, ridiculed and even a crucifix made out of camel dung desplayed as art? Come on, is this really about cartoons? They're rampaging and burning flags, rioting and firing their ever-present AK-47s into the air . They're looking for Europeans to kidnap. They're threatening innkeepers and generally raising holy Muslim hell not because of any outrage over a cartoon. They're outraged because it is part of the Islamic jihadist culture to be outraged. You don't really need a reason. You just need an excuse. Wandering around, destroying property, murdering children, firing guns into the air and feigning outrage over the slightest perceived insult is to a jihadist what tailgating is to a Steeler's fan.

I know and understand that these blood thirsty murderers do not represent the majority of the world's Muslim s. When, though, do they become outraged? When do they take to the streets to express their outrage at the radicals who are making their religion the object of worldwide hatred and ridicule? Islamic writer Salman Rushdie wrote of these silent Muslims in a New York Times article three years ago. "As their ancient, deeply civilized culture of love, art and philosophical reflection is hijacked by paranoiacs, racists, liars, male supremacists, tyrants, fanatics and violence junkies, why are they not screaming?" Indeed. Why not?

Through out Muslim history, they conquered lands and forced the people to either worship Ali and follow Muhammad or face immediate death. That's exactly why Muslim nations do not have freedom of worship and if one is caught practicing any other religion the punishment is death. Christians and Christian missionaries have to hide their identity and practice their faith in secret. My prayers are with Abdul Rahman for his free will decision to except Jesus Christ into his heart and for his conversion to Christianity. Italy has granted him asylum to live and practice his faith without fear of persecution. God will richly bless him for his bold decision.

Muhammad vs. Jesus?

At age 40, Muhammad began having convulsions through which he claimed he received revelation from God through the angel Gabriel. Muhammad thought he was demon-possessed. His wife convinced him otherwise.

Muhammad's doubts are troublesome, "for what major prophet doubts the source of his prophetic revelation? No major prophet in the Bible attributes God's revelation to demons."

Muhammad made holy war or jihad, incumbent on Muslems. In 626 AD he ordered 800 helpless Jewish men in Medina beheaded on the edge of a trench, "a procudure that occupied the entire day and went on far into the night. Jesus never commanded his followers to murder, Muhammed was ruthless in war. The only life Jesus gave up was His own. Jesus's character offers continuous love and compassion. Muhammad was erratic and hostel to those who would not follow him. He killed critics for speaking their minds, raped women, had sexual relations with children. He was a ruthless general and raided caravans merely for financial gain to expand his movement. He even broke the rules of engagement when he fought during a sacred month. He gained conversions through imitation and coercion, He commanded his followers to "Fight and slay the pagans wherever you find them" (Surah 9:5). Execute anyone who fights "against Allah and His Messenger (Surah 5:33). Unlike Christianity, Islam has no concept of a personal relationship with God. And Jesus emphasis on love is completely foreign to Muslims, Love is never part of the equation. Islam depends upon a sense of duty and a desire for payback. Whereas the Bible teaches, "Love you enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you (Matt. 5:44), Muslims are taught to hate Allah's enemies and the promise of Paradise to those who die in battle or commits suicide fighting for Islam.

Book Review "Unveiling Islam" (Kregel Publications)

In 1983, three brothers, all devout Muslims and sons of an Islamic leader surrendered their lives to Jesus Christ. They wrote, "We did not switch religions, "the blood of Jesuse Christ saved us", "It was God's gracious act of redemption."

Their father disowned them. "It could have been worse," they wrote. "According to Hadith 9:57, all three of us brothers should have been killed. They did not see their father again for 17 years until four days before he died in 1999. And he died a Musilim.

Today, Ergun and Emir Caner are Christian professors of church history and theology and authors of an extraordinary book titled "Unveiling Islam" (book cover in above photo). It is full of historical information concerning Muhammad and the Islamic faith and brilliantly illuminates the irreconcilable difference between Christianity and Islam.

Terrorists are still at war with America. And we have a choice
Either we use every tool available to fight and win the War on Terror or we heed the calls of Democrats who would censure and impeach the President for fighting the terrorists.

On September 11, the President made a solemn commitment to protect the American people. The President made his choice. And many Democrats are making theirs, calling a program to defeat al Qaeda terrorists inside the U.S. an illegal and an "impeachable offense."

Where do you stand? Watch the video And take action by signing the petition against repeated Democrat attempts to weaken these efforts to fight the terrorists and keep American families safe.

Fight to the Death
The Qur'an teaches followers to fight until Islam dominates the whole world:
References: Surah 4:74, Surah 4:76, Surah 9:5, Surah 9:14, Surah 9:29,
Surah 9:88, Surah 9:123, Surah 47:4, Surah 61:14, 61:9, Hadith 9:57.

God is Love
In contrast, the Bible teaches us to go into all the world spreading the Gospel, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost (Trinity), NOT out of imitation, fear and coercion. And certainly not kill them if they refuse. It's a free will choice. Reference: Matt, 28: 19 & 20

And God said...
"For all the land which thou seest, to thee I will give it,
and to thy seed forever, from the river of Egypt unto the
great river, the river Euphrates" (Gen. 13:15;15:18).

"Then will I cause you to dwell in the land I have given unto
Jacob, my servant, in which your fathers have dwelt; and they
shall dwell in it, and their children, and their children's
children forever. (Ezek. 37:25).

Suggested Source Links
Unveiling Islam: An Insider's Look at Muslim Life and Beliefs Voices Behind the Veil: The World of Islam
Kregel Publications

Watch New Video
"Censure? Impeachment?," which outlines the stakes in this fight

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

A better Idea?

Actual Ford TV Commericals promoting the homosexual agenda

Does Ford have a better Idea? Thinking about buying a new Ford? You may want to reconsider after reading the following hidden agenda that they don't want you to know. "Diversity" is a code word for homosexuality. By defining themselves as a minority such as African-Americans, homosexual activists seek to bolster their claims of needing special treatment and Ford has accommodated their homosexual concerns.

Ford was given a 100% score on last year's Human Rights Campaign's Corporate Equality Index. Ford was the only automaker and the largest corporation to get this score. HRC Report

Ford has been on the DiversityInc "Top 50 Companies for Diversity" list in each of the four years the rankings have been published. Read More

Ford actively recruited homosexuals for employment by advertising on gay job websites. Read More

Ford hired a D.C. marketing firm to target the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender market and developed a plan to involve Ford in the day-to-day business of selling vehicles worldwide to gay and lesbian customers.
Read More| Portfolio

Ford was an executive sponsor of the 2004 "Out & Equal Workplace Summit Conference." The purpose of the event was to advance the homosexual agenda, including homosexual marriage, in major corporations.

Ford donated to the Michigan Gay Pride March a red Mustang Cobra convertible. This was the first time an auto manufacturer has donated a vehicle for the Michigan Gay Pride Parade. Read More

Ford has been an "Emerald Sponsor" of Parents, Families & Friends of Lesbians & Gays (PFLAG), a national organization promoting the homosexual lifestyle including homosexual marriage.

Ford has been an annual sponsor of the "Reaching Out MBA Conference" that promotes the education, visibility, and networking capabilities of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender business leaders in the United States and around the globe.

Ford obviously, thinks those who do not support homosexual marriage are not "inclusive and respectful". The campaign's top gift of $500,000 came from Allan Gilmour, former vice chairman of Ford Motor Company and was chairman of the Ford Motor Company Fund when gifts to homosexual organizations were made. Read More

Ford 'Proves' Commitment To Homosexual Agenda

Ford Motor Company has proven its commitment to the homosexual agenda by sponsoring a TV program featuring a passionate kiss between two lesbians.

Last fall, in a meeting with AFA, Ford agreed to stop funding the homosexual agenda. However, after a group of angry homosexual leaders met with Ford, the company reneged on its agreement and announced that they would continue their commitment to support the effort to legalize homosexual marriage.

Ford even gave the homosexual groups a letter stating Ford's strong commitment to their cause.

On a recent episode of CBS's Without A Trace, Ford proved to the homosexual leaders the company's commitment to their agenda. The Ford-sponsored program included a scene of two lesbians passionately kissing each other.

To see what Ford sponsored, click here.
(Warning! This scene is very offensive!)

AFA and 20 other pro-family organizations have called for a one-year boycott of Ford. AFA is asking individuals to sign the Boycott Ford pledge. Click here to see the extensive support Ford is giving to the homosexual cause and to sign the pledge found in the upper right hand corner.

If I were an Africian American or a Hispanic living in the US, I would be insulted being lumped in with the homsexuals as being "diverisfied" to promote their preverted policacal agenda. Afterall, It takes babies of any race to carry on it's furture generations, a task that can't be delivered by Gay's and Lesbians, (think about it). I do not want my young children or grandchildren watching gay commericals and thinking that it must be OK because FORD says so. It is a direct and blatant violation of my Christian principles. I can guarantee you one thing, "My next new car will not be a FORD"!

You Want More Proof?

When Ford responds to those who write concerning their promotion of homosexual marriage, the response they get from Ford's Customer Relationship Center says their support "is a strong commitment we intend to carry forward with no exception." For Ford, that support also includes homosexual polygamy.

To show those supporting traditional marriage they mean business, Ford sponsored the June 6 issue of the homosexual publication The Advocate. The cover reads: "Polygamy & Gay Men. Dirty laundry or sexual freedom? How gay men handle multiple partners." The article promotes homosexual polygamy.

Ford sponsored the publication with a full page back cover advertising Ford Motor company product Volvo and a full page ad for all Ford brands with the line: "Ford Motor Company. Standing strong with America's families and communities."

Ford's support for the magazine's promotion of homosexual polygamy leaves no doubt that Ford means to continue pushing the homosexual agenda, even including homosexual polygamy.

To see the front cover, the contents page and the ads for Ford and Volvo,click here. I must warn you, it will be offensive to many. The pages show the contents of the magazine which Ford helped sponsor with two full-page ads, but I felt we must include the proof. If you don't want to see it, please don't click the link.

At their stockholders meeting on May 11, Ford voted 95% of the ballots cast to continue their support of the homosexual agenda rather than be neutral in the cultural battle.

The boycott is working. The value of Ford stock has gone down 13% since the boycott began, while sales continue to drop.

Click Here to Sign the Ford Boycott Pledge Now!

View 15 TV Commercial Ads promoting the homosexual agenda

What can you do about it?
Please forward this info to your friends and family. Most individuals are not aware of Ford's support of the homosexual cause. It would help if you would forward this to your local dealer. Ford also makes Mercury, Lincoln, Mazda, Jaugar, Volvo, and Land Rover. For more information and to sign a petition, visit

Click here to visit the website

Pro-Family organizations endorsing the boycott of Ford include:

American Family Association
Center for Reclaiming America
Citizens for Community Values
Vision America
Free Market Foundation
WIN Family Services
Liberty Counsel
Point of View Radio
Coalitions for America
Mayday for Marriage
Judeo-Christian Council
Constituent Vote
Coalition for Marriage and Family
Tradition, Family, Property, Inc.
National Association of Marriage Enhancement
VCY America Radio Network
Illinois Family Institute
Renew America

(other organizations are expected to endorse the boycott)

For more on Ford's promotion of the
homosexual agenda, check out these sites
Ford Affirms Gay Publication Support. No Victory for AFA 

What does The Bible say about Homosexuality?

Monday, March 27, 2006

Go Lady Vols

What makes Champions?
Well, like most Memphians, I was disapointed in the poor performance of the Memphis Tigers. I heard all the excuses from the players and Coach Calipari but the bottom line is what makes champions is going that extra mile. The Tigers looked tired and lackadaisical to me. UCLA didn't look much better but was less worse that gave them the five point win. Having said that, I am also proud of the Tiger's record breaking season. They accomplished a lot and made Memphis proud once again. Hopefully, they will be back next year and go on to win it all. No doubt, they should have won it all this year and were capably of beating any of the final four teams but reality has set in and now my attention is focused on the Tennessee Lady Vols who did make it to their Final Four. I guess you could call me more of a Tennessean than a Memphian when it comes to supporting teams. I was born and raised in Memphis but my Mom was from East Tennessee. I love East Tennessee, the people there and the Tennessee Vols. I moved to Bartlett, one of the toy towns outside of Memphis, as Memphis Mayor Willie Herrington calls them (that's another story). I must admit that I did get caught up with Tiger fever and hope to support them again next year.

But what do I know? I'm a musician, I'm not supposed to be a conservative Republican or even into the sport scene, let a lone a free thinker. But what else is one supposed to do on a Blog? Go Vols!

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Elite Eight

Memphis defeated Bradley 80-64 to advance to the Elite Eight. They will play UCLA who won at the buzzer in a squeaker over Gonzaga on Saturday in Oakland, California. The winner of that game will advance to the Final Four in Atlanta, Georgia and then on to the National Championship game in Detroit, Michigan. Memphis had defeated both UCLA and Gonzaga in regular season games and are expected to win again on Saturday. Memphis was the only team in NCAA tournament action with a clear decisive win. All other games went down to the wire and was won in the final seconds. Tip off time is 4:05 PM Pacific/6:05 PM Central, Saturday, on CBS Network.

Click here: - The Official Site for NCAA Sports

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Sweet Sixteen

Go Tigers!
Like most Memphians, I have joined in on the excitement with Tigermania in support of the #1 University of Memphis Basketball tigers sweet 16 Tourment in Oakland, California where they will meet #13 Bradley University, They are expected to win and continue on to the Elite Eight and on to the Final Four and odd makers have put them in the National Championship Game. The Tigers have broken all previous university records. To date their 2005-6 season record is 32 wins and 3 loses. Their team depth is also unprecedented, very strong from the bench. What makes this team so great is that most of the top players are just freshmen and will be back for the next three seasons. I Look for the Tigers to become a dynasty in Tennessee and Southeastern area basketball for years to come. Memphis is a breeding ground for natural talented players who start playing basketball at a early age. All major universities come to Memphis hopefully to recruit in this rich area of abundant players. To follow the Tigers, I have included a CSTV team bracket link and the Memphis Tigers Official Athletic Site. Tip off time is 3:30 PM Pacific/6:30 PM Central, Thursday, on CBS Network.
Good luck Tigers!

Bobby with a couple of U of M Girl's Basketball
Players promotional event at Parkview last summer

Click here: Team Brackets
Click here: Memphis Tigers :: The Official Athletic Site

Monday, March 20, 2006

South Carolina Bound

Yet Another Musician Move...(Memphis,TN)
Former Bass Player and friend Toney Booker is moving to South Carolina in a few weeks after retiring from the US Post Office. Along with his wife, Dottie, they will be living in a rule country area near Sumter, South Carloina. Toney and his Son, Chris was part of "Arlington Road Band" and toured with Bobby in 2002 in Atlanta. Toney has launched his Southern Gospel Singing career in true southern fasion by recording a new CD. Toney Booker has released his debut CD "Back To My Roots", recorded live in Nashville at the world famous Daywind Studio. To order the new CD visit Toney's website. Bobby wishes Toney all the success in his move to South Carolina and many rewards in continuing his Gospel music career.

The Impeccable Toney Booker

S.C. Flag

S.C. Map

Get Toney Booker's 2006 just released New CD 'Back To My Roots'

Visit These Toney Booker Site Links
Click here: Toney Booker Official Website
Click here: Toney Booker Official Merchandise
Click here: View Toney Booker Photo Album
Click here: Arlington Road Band Website

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Prostitution & Slavery?

Say NO to President Bush, Dubai and the UAE!

When the story broke that the Bush administration had approved a British-owned company's sale of U.S. port operations to one headquartered in the United Arab Emirates, all hell broke loose. The company at hand, Dubai Ports World, is owned by the United Arab Emirates, so not only would we be handing over operations of our ports to yet another foreign company, but also to a foreign government.

It appears on the surface that President Bush has lost touch with reality for reasons unknown to this conservative who is much farther to the right than this President. In my opinion, he is commenting political suicide for the Republican party in upcoming elections. It makes one think that there is more to it than awarding foreign contracts for President Bush. When I worked for the government, I was always taught just the appearance of something inappropriate was wrong, rather it was factual truth or not.

What kind of government is United Arab Emirates? The United Arab Emirates (U.A.E.) is a destination country for women trafficked primarily from South, Southeast, and East Asia, the former Soviet Union, Iran and other Middle Eastern countries, and East Africa, for the purpose of sexual exploitation. A far smaller number of men, women, and teenage children were trafficked to the U.A.E. to work as forced slave laborers. This same government who condones sexual exploitation of women and slavery wants to control our ports? I don't think so! The American people are not that stupid? They want to know why can't American companies do the job?

Can you imagine if this was World War II and President Roosevelt wanted to outsource our ports to Asian companies? He would have been impeached. Remember we are at war with an enemy that is determine to bring America down and we don't need to help them. Iran has publicly announced that they are going to develop their nuclear weapons despite our objections and if we don't like it to bring it on. The UAE is Sunni Muslim and Iran is Sunni Muslim. Get the connection?

Dubai and Sept. 11

While the pros and the cons of the ports deal have been much debated, certain facts remain that should give pause. Troubling links between the United Arab Emirates and Islamic radicalism are among them. It's been widely reported that along with Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, the United Arab Emirates was one of only three countries to formally recognize the Taliban.

Although I voted for George Bush twice, I'm scratching my head in confusion on this one? If you have not yet done so, I encourage you to contact your Senators and Congressional Representatives as I have done to voice your objection on this mater.

Click here: UAE Human Trafficking & Modern-day Slavery
Click here: CIA - The World Factbook -- United Arab Emirates

Click here: Hejlah - The Country and People of United Arab Emirates
Click here: Persian Gulf Online

Update: UAE Deal Appears Dead

Thanks to the overwhelming outcry of the American people who contacted their lawmakers in Washington caused the United Arab Emirates-owned DP World that it would transfer its operations of American ports to a "U.S. entity" after congressional leaders reportedly told President Bush that the firm's takeover deal was essentially dead on Capitol Hill.

"Because of the strong relationship between the United Arab Emirates and the United States and to preserve that relationship ... DP World will transfer fully the U.S. operations of P&O Operations North America to a United States entity," Edward H. Bilkey, DP World's chief operating officer, said in a statement. Thanks American for getting envolved!

Southern Republicans Take Over Downtown Memphis
26 states are representing in Downtown Memphis this weekend. Republicans are here to talk policy, learn about future strategies, and of course, chow down on some Memphis Barbecue!

Click here: Southern Republicans Conference

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Say Cheese Please

My Babies in Memphis, 1980-1985

Have You Seen Us?
My beloved children Mandy, Robby and Chris. Well, it seems just yesterday when they were little babies. It's hard to believe that over twenty years have went by since they left Memphis as little babies for the great white north of Canada. But they did grow up and are now living separate lives. I miss them very much and hope to see them sometime in the near future, hopefully this year. I am grateful through the Internet I can interact with them either by email, chat or blogging and can send pics. What an Invention? I treasure the memories of my children and love them very much. I pray that God will watch over them and protect them and may they turn to Him through His Son Jesus for guidance and direction. Mandy, Robby and Chris are constantly in my daily prayers. As you can see from the below photos they have turned into good looking young adults.

Take a look at them now!

Amanda, Rob and Chris Sowell - Niagara Falls, Ont. Canada
Click here to view more archived family photos

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

March Madness

Spring Fever? Well, like I predicated the weather did change again. Today we have late spring conditions with the temperature hovering near a warm 80 degrees (27 C), high enough to break out in a sweat. Everyone here in Memphis has spring fever. The tell tell signs are everywhere. It's written all over their faces and by the clothes (or lack of) they are wearing. Mostly cutoffs and flip flops, people are starting to cultivate their flower gardens and backyard grills are firing up with the smell of steaks in the air. Yesterday, I even heard a lawnmower going. My cat CK is getting Spring Fever too (she's spaded), she want's to stay out later to hang with her friends by the fence. Down here in Memphis, the folks don't like winter very much (about a couple of weeks is all they can stand). Spring time is their favorite followed by autum, summers are way too hot but winters are for eskimos and birds fleeing from the north. Speaking of birds, there is a lot of bird activity going on too. Birds are starting to mate and building thier nests, a sure indication of spring.

Is winter over? Well, maybe not. There's a reason (besides basketball) that this month is called "March Madness". History has shown that snow has fallen in March. However, it is rare. Only time will tell. There is a cold front way out west that is trying to make it's way to the Tennessee Valley. A lot of times, the jet stream either goes north or south of us, sparing the Memphis metro area an onslaught of incumbent weather.

Speaking of Basketball March Madness, this month will bring the NCAA National Tournament. Our University of Memphis Tigers are nationally ranked in 3rd place. This season has broken all records. They have only lost two games the whole season and won 27 in a row (longest winning streak in the nation). They have the talent to go all the way and win the national championship. All of Memphis is on the edge of their seats and watching. Well, I better get outside and start trimming back my hedges.

Click here for live real time Nexrad Memphis weather radar map
Click here: Conversion Chart: US to Canadian Metric
Click here: Weather News

Follow the Tigers

The USA TODAY/ESPN Coaches Top 25 college basketball coaches' poll, with number of first-place votes and record in parentheses, total points and previous ranking. Follow the Tigers all the way to the Final Four and hopefully on to the National Championship Game! Go Tigers!
Click here: ESPN College Basketball Rankings

How good are they?
Click here: Memphis Tigers Team Statistics

Howdy Naybor

Meet NAYBOR, Jim Kail's new friend, a horse that lives down the road from his daughter Connie, about a mile and 1/2 from Jim's house in Tipon County, Tenn.
Jim stopped and petted him yesterday and took some pictures. He took him some carrots today and reports that he so gentle and loving. Jim named him NAYBOR. I since asked Jim, "Could he talk like Mr Ed did?" But so far, no reply. Jim Kail is my Manager and Agent and a very good friend. Thanks Jim for the Info and Hew Haw good buddy!

Shout to the Lord

A Real Homecoming
Anthony Burger was a talented guy and has wrote a lot of today's contemporary Christian songs, appealing especially to the youth. It seems that his mission here on earth was over and God called him home for reasons unknown to us mortals. Jesus said, "My ways are not of your ways and beyond your understanding, mystifying and beyond all human logic" (paraphrased). So, we don't know why God called him home, only that his work was completed here on earth. However, his songs will live on for future generations. He will be missed in the Christian music Industry. May the Holy Spirit comfort his family during this time of grief.

Born in Cleveland, TN. When he was a baby, just learning to walk, he tipped his walker over and landed on the old furnace his family used for heating. Burger was burned on his face, legs, and both hands, third degree burns that could have taken his life. Through long months of painful treatments, his parents held to their faith while doctors doubted the child would recover well enough to have the use of his hands. By the time he was three years old, Burger had proved that faith and prayer could be stronger than medical science.

He not only had the use of his hands -- but he could play the piano. It didn't take many years for people to notice just how musically talented he was. Anthony Burger studied music at the Cadek Conservatory in Chattanooga, TN, adding practiced mastery to his natural skills. He was the youngest artist the university had ever accepted. At the conservatory, Burger had lessons in classical music, but before his tenth birthday he had already settled into a love for old-fashioned Southern gospel. In his teens he became a member of a gospel group called the Kingsmen. He recorded nearly two dozen albums with the group. Burger completed his first solo release, Anthony Burger at the Lowry Organ, in 1975.

His music captured the interest of fans so well that they nominated him through Singing News Magazine as one of the Top Five musicians in Southern gospel. In 1980, he won the award and then held tight to it for the next ten years in a row. Burger released a few more recordings in the '80s before working on about 50 videos with Bill Gaither's Vocal Band between 1993 and 2000. Over the years, Burger has won a number of awards for his music, including being named Musician of the Year by the Southern Gospel Music Association, claiming more than one Gospel Voice Diamond Award, and the highly treasured Dove Award. On Anthony Burger's albums, Southern gospel fans can find cherished hymns like "What a Friend We Have in Jesus," "Just as I Am," "This Is My Story," and "Shall We Gather at the River."

The last time I saw him was in 2002 where he performed during a International Christian/Jewish fundrasier at Opryland Hotel in Nashville. I attended the dinner with the President of the Religous Roundtable Ed McAteer. Other guest included John Hagee, Pat Boone, Jerry Farwell and other national known Christians as well as Israeli government officials and Tennessee Governor Don Sunques.

His death made me feel as a pianist and composer so insignificant as related to the whole scheme of things in God's plan. As a fellow pianist and contemporary of his, I will miss his music. Whatever music contributions I make while living means so little compared to the work of Anthony Burger. His music will live on for generations to come until the Lord comes back. Thank you Anthony for your dedication to spreading the Gospel through your music. Makes us want to Shout to the Lord for a real homecoming.

Additional Links

MSNBC NEWS: Anthony Burger Dies A Glance: Anthony Burger
Anthony Burger, MP3 Music Download at eMusic
Anthony Burger Official Website