Monday, November 13, 2006

Two Hot Chicks

My little Chick-a-dees

Every photo has a story and boy does this one: In 1957, when Bobby was 10 years old, he got two baby chicks for Easter from the Northgate Shopping Center in Frayser. Back then, the chicks were dyed different colors. When the family moved from Woodrow Street to the corner of Nunnelee Street and Debby Street, Bobby brought one of those chicks with him, (the other one had been eaten by their neighbor's dog). The chick lived to be an old rooster, who was better than having a dog. They didn't have a backyard fence so he would run off all the stray kids cutting through their yard by chasing them and pecking their legs. At night, he would roost in a backyard tree. He never left the back yard. He lived a lot of years and froze to death one winter.

OK now, fast forward to 11 years later (1968)...

Bobby was on military leave staying with his parents. He had borrowed his Dad's car and went out drinking, proudly for the first time, dressed in his class A military uniform, drove to the "Dynasty" Lounge on North Watkins. On the way back home, at around 2:00 AM (drunk driving), Bobby ran off the road on Frayser Blvd with the car plowing into a fence. He made a pretty good size hole in the fence. There was a big dog in their yard and in Bobby's drunk mind, wasn't about to get out of the car so he drove back out the same hole he made coming in and drove home. Well, he had dropped his service hat. (it had the service number written inside of it). During the impact with the fence, Bobby dented up the passenger side of the car, the side where his Dad wouldn't notice the damage (until he was gone back to Texas). Well, the day before Bobby was to ship out, a knock on the door brought 2 policemen, and in one of their hands was his service cap (BUSTED!) So, he had to get an Extension of Leave so he could go to court on 'Leaving the Scene of an Accident' charge, (But no DUI).

Now back to the case of the other
dead baby chick when Bobby was 10...

When Bobby got to court and went in front of the judge, he was suprised to see the judge was his old neighbor from Woodrow Street? And the Judge recognized Bobby! Well, the court proceding was continuing on when the Judge leaned over and asked Bobby, "is there anything you would like to say in you defense"?

And then Bobby said in a low whisper......

"Yes, your honor, do you remember when your dog ate my baby chicken?" The Judge then looked over his glasses as the gavel came down, hitting the surface hard and said, "Case dismissed"!

That's a true story!! Bobby got off them charges because the judge's dog ate his baby chicken when he was a 10 year old kid!!

But, that's not the end of it...

Now, Fast Forward to 45 years later...

The people, whose yard and fence Bobby tore up (plus their dog got out and his Dad had to pay for all the damages), now go to Bobby's church!! They moved from Frayser to Barlett! They laugh everytime Bobby tells this story! Bobby forgets how he pieced it all together? CSI Frayser?

Bobby's got a lot of crazy stories like this one, that has happened to him over the years and may wind up here on his BLOG. His advice is not to try any of these at home as you may not get the same results.

*Footnote: Bobby eventually straightened up his life and recovered from his wild and crazy drinking days and now is active in his church and helping struggling alcoholics to recover from alcoholism.


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